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Training Policies

Survivor Emergency Care Training provides training and assessment services in the area of First Aid and WH&S. The nationally recognised qualifications on our scope of registration Include: 

HLTAID001 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation

HLTAID002 Provide basic emergency life support

HLTAID003 Provide first aid

HLTAID004 Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting

HLTAID005 Provide first aid in remote situations

HLTAID006 Provide advanced first aid

HLTAID007 Provide advanced resuscitation

22282VIC Course in the Management of Asthma Risks and Emergencies in the Workplace

22300VIC Course in First Aid management of Anaphylaxis


1.1 Course timetable Our short courses are conducted over various dates (please refer to (select first aid training and then calendar).


1.2 Induction to Course Prior to the commencement of any Survivor Emergency Care Training course, you will either be directed to the website to download this student handbook, or alternatively this student handbook can be been posted to you.

At the beginning of the course, your trainer will give you information about:

  • Your obligations as a student at Survivor Emergency Care Training and the requirements to receive a qualification

  • Statements of Attainment issued on successful completion of the course

  • How your skills, knowledge and attitudes will be assessed

  • How you can appeal if you don’t agree with your assessment outcome

  • How you can complain if you are not satisfied with any part of the course

  • Where you can get extra help with your learning

  • Course timetable

  • Course content

  • Emergency evacuation procedures 


1.3 Attendance Our courses are conducted Face to face in the classroom and in the case of HLTAID003 and HLTAID004, partial delivery over the internet. 

We provide all the necessary models and equipment for practical training sessions, students should note that assessments include both practical and theory components.

You are expected to be in attendance at each practical session. If you cannot attend a class you are required to notify Survivor Emergency Care Training in advance on 1300 381 067. Every effort will be made to negotiate the transfer of training in the event of a prolonged illness or personal hardship. However, no consideration is given to extended absences for any other reason.


1.4 Teaching Methods Our teaching methods include face-to-face instruction to small groups of students and on-to-one individual support, attention and assistance. All courses are in English. 

 Our First Aid courses HLTAID001 through to HLTAID007 allow for self paced training at home and theory assessment over the internet.  All students will need to satisfactory complete a face to face practical assessment session to be considered competent.


1.5 Student Facilities Students have access to necessary instructional and assessment facilities, materials and equipment. Training facilities include:

Suitable training/learning areas set up safely and securely

Adequate acoustics, ventilation and lighting

Amenities for coffee and lunch breaks

Toilet facilities

Accessible references and resources 


1.6 Evaluation As part of our continuous improvement procedures, you will be asked to complete a Course Evaluation Survey.  This is your opportunity to provide us with feedback on the course, the trainers and assessors, the course administration, the training facilities, the training activities, resources, materials and the assessment procedures.  Your comments enable us to make sure that your expectations are met and to improve our services.


2 Fees and Charges

2.1 Fees Schedule Survivor Emergency Care Training course fees cover all tuition costs including handouts. The course fees are available on request 1300 381 067 or website

The payment of all fees and charges is receipted and dated at the time of payment. Records of fees receipted and dated are maintained and secured.


2.2 Refunds prior to a course commencement: 

Transfer of Bookings: Transfers are available prior to the commencement date. A transfer to another course will be issued if we receive a written request 5 business days prior to your nominated course commencement date and will incur a $10.00 (GST included) administration fee per transfer. If a transfer is made less than 5 business days prior to the course commencement date, a $22.50 administration fee will apply. If a written request is not received within 48 hours of the course commencement date, the student will forfeit 100% of the course fee.

Refunds: A refund is given if a written request is received 5 days prior to the scheduled course commencement date and an administration fee of $22.00 (GST included) will be incurred. All refund requests must be in writing addressed to Refunds will be issued within 5 days of receiving the cancellation documentation. If a written request is not received within 5 days of the course commencement date, the student will forfeit 100% of the course fee.

Schedule Changes: Events Beyond Our Control: we may need to cancel or reschedule training courses or services due to any event beyond our reasonable control. Survivor Emergency Care Training will endeavour to offer an alternate date for your course however, in the event that the alternate date is not suitable, a full refund of the course fee will be provided.

Survivor Emergency Care Training onsite course policy

Group Onsite Bookings:

 The payment terms for our first aid booking courses are 30 days for approved Survivor Emergency Care Training account holders. Notice of a minimum 10 working days is required to be given by the client of postponement or cancellation of a course. Where notice is not given the full charge of the course will apply.  

"Special Needs:"

 Students with special needs or disabilities are asked to disclose this information in their enrolment form prior to course commencement. You are expected to describe the nature of the special needs, e.g. hearing impairment, language difficulty, learning difficulty etc. (and attached the relevant documentation). Survivor Emergency Care Training will ensure complete confidentiality of this information. 

 Non-Attendance to a course without prior notice to Survivor Emergency Care Training:  The student will forfeit 100% of the course fee.


2.3 Transferring to another course after Enrolment:  A transfer will be issued if written requests for transfers are received 7 days prior to your nominated course commencement date and will incur a $16.50 (GST included) administration fee per transfer. Written requests must be addressed to: If a written request is not received within 48 hours of the course commencement date, the student will forfeit 100% of the course fee.

 2.4 Incompletion of course: If a student leaves prior to the completion of all assessment tasks during the face-to face training, Qualifications will not be issued and the student will forfeit 100% of the course fee.


3 Training Delivery and Assessment Services

3.1 Trainer Qualifications Survivor Emergency Care Training trainers have the relevant qualifications as required by the Australian Quality Training Framework 2010. These include:  

Skills, knowledge and experience in First Aid and WH&S

Qualifications in training and assessment ï‚· Vast experience in the health and safety related areas of industry


3.2 Student Recruitment Student recruitment to Survivor Emergency Care Training is carried out in an ethical manner in accordance with Access and Equity Principles. All enquiries for participation are provided with Survivor Emergency Care Training Information Pack. Access to the course is open to all applicants subject to payment of fees and the extent to which the course outcomes and pre-requisites match the needs of the student. Enrolment is on-going where places are available.

Enrolment Procedure:

The information pack to the customer detailing information on the institution, fees structure and refund policy

Institution follows-up phone call to customer to identify needs

Company completes enrolment form

A receipt is issued to the company when the deposit is received

Client is given an identification number and a database record is established


3.3 Delivery of Training Survivor Emergency Care Training offers training in the following nationally recognised Statements of Attainment: 

HLTAID001 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation

HLTAID002 Provide basic emergency life support

HLTAID003 Provide first aid

HLTAID004 Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting

HLTAID005 Provide first aid in remote situations

HLTAID006 Provide advanced first aid

HLTAID007 Provide advanced resuscitation

22282VIC Course in the Management of Asthma Risks and Emergencies in the Workplace

22300VIC Course in First Aid management of Anaphylaxis


3.4 Learner Support The learning support strategies used by trainers at Survivor Emergency Care Training include:

Pre-teaching technical terminology

Demonstrating procedures

Providing opportunities for ‘hands-on’ experience and practice

Ensuring individual support and advice to students

Providing written learning material and illustrations to reinforce the learning

We will support all students who enrol in our courses to the best level that we can. For example students with issues relating to Language, Literacy and Numeracy can expect that we will;


Providing students only essential writing tasks,

Provide handouts in an audio format 

Consider the use of group exercises so that the responsibility for writing rests with more than one person

Provide examples and models of completed tasks

Ensure that documents and forms are written and formatted in plain English

Use clear headings, highlight certain key words or phrases and provide explanations of all technical terms used

Assessments can be conducted using the interview technique where required


Present information in small chunks

Speak clearly, concisely and not too quickly

Give clear instructions in a logical sequence

Give lots of practical examples

Encourage students to ask questions

Ask all questions to ensure students understand


Ask students to identify in words, what the exact problem is and how they might solve it

Show students how to do the calculations through step by step instructions and through examples of completed calculations,

Help students to work out what math’s/calculations/measurements are required to complete the task,

Encourage the use of calculators and demonstrate how to use them

In the event we cannot assist a student we will refer them onto the appropriate agency that matches their needs and abilities.

Students with learning difficulties beyond our areas of expertise are referred to external specialist agencies.

Our trainers will:

  • recognise the cultural diversity of all students

  • ensure equal treatment of all students 

  • encourage full participation and assisting all students to achieve course outcomes 

  • provide equal access to resources

  • refer students with specific learning problems to appropriate agencies


3.5 Conduct of Assessment

Assessment is conducted in accordance with the Health Training Package and the Health Training Package Assessment Guidelines, the Training packages for 22300VIC, and 22282VICAssessment Guidelines and Standards of the Australian Quality Training Framework 2010 for RTOs.

Assessment is competency based against the standards outlined in the units of competency in the insert industry Training Package qualifications. It includes: 

  • assessment to determine your training needs

  • assessment during the training to judge how you are progressing

  • assessment of performance at end of the units of training

  • recognition of prior learning or recognition of current competency

Assessment is conducted in a simulated workplace and involves the collection of sufficient evidence to demonstrate you are competent. This may include:

  • Measurement of services you deliver

  • Observation of processes you carry out

  • Measurement of your knowledge and understanding

  • Observation of the attitudes you demonstrate

Assessment methods may involve you in: 

  • Demonstrating your skills

  • Producing a piece of work

  • Providing a service

  • Answering written and/or oral questions

  • Participating in group discussions

  • Making oral presentations to the group

 The outcomes of assessment are Competent or Not Competent. If you are assessed as Not Competent you can request a re-assessment.


3.6 Assessment Appeals We will deal with any student appeals against our decisions including, assessment decisions, in an effective and timely manner, typically resolving all appeals within three weeks.

Each appeal and the outcomes will be recorded in writing

Each appeal is heard by an independent person or panel (i.e. someone or some panel that is mutually agreed upon as independent)

Each appellant:

Has the opportunity to formally present his or her case 

Is given a written statement of the appeals outcomes, including reasons for the decision

If an appeal for re-assessment is proven we will make all necessary arrangements to conduct the re-assessment of the student at a time that is mutually convenient for all parties concerned.

The Registered Training Organisation is responsible for managing the resolution of the appeal and will be able to supply and assist with the appeal form.

If the Student is still not satisfied with the resolution of the appeal, the “National Complaints Code” directs them to seek further assistance from ASQA, whose details are listed below.

Complaints Team Australian Skills Quality Authority GPO Box 9928 Sydney NSW 2001


3.7 Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)/ Recognition of Current Competency (RCC)

If you believe you already have the skills and knowledge required to demonstrate competency you can request an RPL/RCC assessment. It does not matter whether you acquired your skills and knowledge through informal learning, work experience and/or life experiences. To request RPL/RCC you will need to:

  • Read the unit of competency and talk with Survivor Emergency Care Training there is anything you need explained

  • Collect and complete the Request for Recognition of Prior Learning

  • Check your skills and knowledge for each unit of competency.

  • Collect your evidence to show your competence. Your evidence must be valid (as described in the unit of competency), sufficient (enough), current (up-to-date) and authentic (your own work)

  • List the types of evidence you have for each unit of competency

  • Present your evidence and the list of evidence to Survivor Emergency Care Training for assessment


3.8 National Recognition

Survivor Emergency Care Training recognises relevant AQF qualifications and / or Statements of Attainment issued by any other RTO.  We will only sight original documents and reserve the right to verify the authenticity of such documents as required and to determine the currency of the units of competency/modules indicated on the Testamurs.


4.9 Issuance of Qualifications On successful completion of studies, you will be issued with a  Statement of Attainment and (where relevant) a Workcover recognised certificate for successful completion of individual units of competency.


4 Records Maintenance and Student Privacy  

Survivor Emergency Care Training abides by the National Privacy Principles. Your information will not be disclosed to anyone outside the institution without your consent, unless they have a legal right to the information or a right to the material as required under the standards of the Australian Quality  Training Framework.

 Your records are confidential and available to you only and on request, with the exception of those with legal powers to view such materials or those compiling with the Standards for Registered Training Organisation.

 Records of attendance, assessment outcomes and qualifications issued are kept accurate, up-to-date and secure.

 We keep copies of your results for a period of 30 years. You must bear the cost for reissue of records and awards. 

 We will safe guard any confidential information obtained by us and committees, individuals or organisations acting on our behalf.


4.1 Unique Student Identifier

As of 1 January 2015 the Australian Government implemented the Unique Student Identifier (USI) initiative. A USI is a personal reference number which provides students with a complete record of their nationally recognised training. 


5. Complaint Procedures 

Survivor Emergency Care Training treats complaints and appeals from staff, partner organisations, participants, and other parties very seriously and we will deal with these in an effective and timely manner.

Complaints can be made about the RTO, Survivor Emergency Care Training, its staff, other learners or third parties and we aim to resolve all complaints within three weeks.

Appeals can be made about any decision, including assessment decisions made by Survivor Emergency Care Training.  These, like any complaints are intended to be resolved, where possible within a three week period.

A person or organisation can complain about any aspect of our dealings with them, and the participant can appeal any decision we make, including assessment decisions.

In the first instance that a person or organisation is unhappy or dissatisfied with an aspect of our service delivery, they should consult their trainer/assessor.

The trainer should be the first point of contact for participants, the aim of this first contact is to resolve the issue quickly.

If the participant’s complaint is about the trainer, and they are uncomfortable discussing this issue with the trainer then they should contact the registered Training Organisation.  

Should the complaint or appeal not be resolved in the first instance by either contact with the Trainer, then the complainant is requested to formally lodge a complaint or appeal by completing either the complaint or appeal form, these forms are available from the Trainer or Survivor Emergency Care Training.

The appellant or complainant can take the form away to complete, but this should be returned within 48 hours so the matter can be promptly investigated.

Should the nature of the complaint refer to criminal matters or where the welfare of people are in danger Survivor Emergency Care Training will, with the permission of the participant, seek assistance from other authorities such the Police, Legal Representatives or other parties as appropriate.  

Participant confidentiality will be maintained at all times as is consistent with New South Wales, NSW and Australian Law.

At all times the principles of Natural Justice be upheld, these being:

  • That both sides of the complaint will be informed of the complaint and

  • That both sides of any complaint will be heard after sufficient time has been provided for both sides to prepare their arguments

  • That an investigation will be conducted without undue delay

  • The participant will be allowed to continue their course without penalty until such time as the final decision has been determined.

Further details on Natural Justice can be accessed from the NSW Ombudsman’s office at: 

The Complainant/Appellant will remain informed of the progress of their complaint or appeal through written correspondence.

As stated before, this could be an external Trainer/Assessor arranged by Survivor Emergency Care Training, the RTO or the participant, or it could include an independent Commercial Mediation Service such as the Resolution Institute.

The Resolution Institute can be contacted via

Level 1 and 2 13-15 Bridge Street Sydney NSW 2000

Phone: +61 2 9251 3366 Freecall: 1800 651 650 Fax: +61 2 9251 3733


Engagement of an External Assessor is without cost to the participant, however escalation to an independent Commercial Mediation Service is a significant process and incurs significant costs.  

A further option available to people and organisations is the National Training Complaints Hotline.  This number is 13 38 73 and is staffed Monday–Friday, 8am to 6pm nationally.

More details on the National Complaints Hotline can be found at 


Assessment Appeals In rare circumstances, the participant may object to decisions made by Survivor Emergency Care Training including assessment outcomes, and wish to appeal these decisions.

  • Possible grounds for an Assessment appeal could be (and others are possible):

  • The correct response was provided however the response was marked incorrect in error

  • The material assessed was not covered in learning materials

  • The response provided by the participant was the response provided in the learning material

  • Or any other reason.

In the case of the Assessment appeal, the participant will follow the same basic steps as outlined in the complaint and appeal section.

1. Discuss the issue with your assessor and seek their opinion.

2. If you are still dissatisfied, complete the appeals form and submit it to the RTO  

Independent of who you submit your assessment appeal to, you will be:

3. Provided with a written receipt of your case within one business day,

4. Provided with access to an external review your case with one of:

a. An alternative Assessor within Survivor Emergency Care Training

b. An assessor external to Survivor Emergency Care Training

c. An Independent Commercial Mediation Service 

The choice of which independent mediation process is the participants, however they have significantly different costs. 

Engagement of an alternative internal or External Assessor is without cost to the participant, however escalation to an independent Commercial Mediation Service is a significant process and incurs significant costs. 

Survivor Emergency Care Training is prepared to undertake escalation to independent mediation if Survivor Emergency Care Training is not able to resolve a dispute with a participant and the participant does not wish to use an independent assessor.   Once the need for Independent Mediation is agreed upon with the participant Survivor Emergency Care Training will obtain a written quote for this process from the agreed mediation company; this written quote is to be shared with the participant.   For the process to proceed, both the participant and the Survivor Emergency Care Training will lodge with the agreed mediator money to the full value of the quote from the mediator.   The party whose position is NOT upheld by the mediator pays for the mediation service; the party whose position is upheld will receive a refund from the mediator.   Should a compromise position be determined by the mediator both parties agree to pay respective shares as determined by the mediator.

The complainant or appellant will be provided with a formal written statement of the resolution of the complaint or appeal, this will state the reasons for the decision.

Irrelevant of the process undertaken to resolve the matter, the appellant will be provided with a formal written statement of the resolution of the appeal and this will state the reasons for the decision. At all times will we keep our participants informed of the progress of their appeal.  Should this process take longer than sixty (60) days we will determine the course of the delay, attempt to resolve it, and keep the participant informed of these reasons through written correspondence.


6 Student Responsibilities/Code of Behaviour

 While you remain a student at Survivor Emergency Care Training it is your responsibility to: 

To conduct yourself in a safe and healthy manner 

To behave in a manner which prevents injury and disease to you, your trainer and fellow students  

To identify and report to your trainer any possible hazards from equipment, facilities and the environment

To comply with and assist in the institution’s emergency procedures

To refrain from smoking anywhere in the institution building

To refrain from drinking and/or eating in the workrooms

To attend class regularly and punctually

To comply with the Assessment Information outlined in the Student Handbook o To discuss any complaints or grievances with your trainer or the CEO o To ensure no discriminatory, harassing or bullying behaviour at all times to other students, staff, work placement supervisors or visitors to the institution

To report any discriminatory behaviour, harassment or bullying to your trainer or workplace supervisor.

To refrain from unacceptable behaviour including the use of bad language, alcohol and drugs

To refrain from the use of devices which may disrupt classes e.g. mobile phones and pagers

Students who choose not comply with the Code of Behaviour will be given a verbal warning in the first instance and dismissal in the second and final instance.


7  Student Support, Welfare and Guidance We will assist all students in their efforts to complete our training programs.

In the event that a student is experiencing difficulty with their studies, we would recommend that the student should see their trainer.

The staff member will ensure that full resources are made available to ensure that the student achieve the required level of competency in all accredited courses. 

Should the student be experiencing a personal difficulty we will make every attempt to accommodate their needs within our limited capacity.

If the students needs exceed our capacity, we will refer them onto an appropriate external agency. 


8 Flexible Delivery and Assessment Procedures

Survivor Emergency Care Training recognises that not all students learn in the same manner, and that with an amount of “reasonable adjustment” students who may not learn best with traditional learning and assessment methods will achieve good results.

Survivor Emergency Care Training will make any necessary adjustment to meet the needs of a variety of students, the ability to complete a written assessment is not to be interpreted as a barrier to competency, provided the student can verbally demonstrate competency. These adjustments may include; verbal delivery of assessment materials to students or the use of a third person to transcribe the student’s spoken responses to assessment questions.

Survivor Emergency Care Training will assist students achieve the required competency standards where it is within our ability.

If we cannot assist a student, where possible we will refer them to an agency that can assist.

Any further questions can be referred to your trainer or the RTO CEO.

Training policy page

Training and assessment delivered on behalf of Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909

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